Over the years, hundreds of thousands of children throughout the world have taken part in the Global March to ban child labour, How can we not do everything in our power to free each child on this planet from this scourge? How can we fail to free ourselves from our personal ans professional blinkers that prevent us from seeing abuse and injustice?
Child Labour is not jobs for children, neither work experience nor apprenticeship combined with schooling that enhances a child's present and future prospects. Child Labour simply means adult exploiting the young, naive, innocent, weak, vulnerable and insecure for personal profit, the tougher part is finding ladders for them to climb out of the deep pits of violence and discrimination they live in.
There are no magic wands, no emergency actions mobilized overnight, no humanitarian or rescue operation to combat the worst forms of child labour. in a world bereft of causes that uniote us as human beings, let us make the elimination of the worst forms of child labour a global cause that galvanizes our will to act and our decision to make a difference, (ILO Convention 182).
Child Labour is prevalent in Nigeria with children working in families, in commercial farms and as domestic servants. They also work in carpentry; masonry hairdressing weaving, dyeing, tailoring carving etc in urban areas, children work as street peddlers, shoe shiners, load carriers, car washers, scavengers and beggars, (PATH TO WOMEN'S DEVELOPMENT - Bisi Olateru-Olagbegi)
So as the world marks the INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST CHILDLABOUR, we in WOMEN CONSORTIUM OF NIGERIA vehemently condemns all forms of forced labour and trafficking in persons which result in forced begging, domestic servitude and the worst form of labour involving children all around the world.
We continue to fight against this scourge and raise our voices against it saying NO to all forms of forced labour against people everywhere especially CHILDREN.