
The Women's Consortium of Nigeria was founded by the Chief (Mrs.) Bisi Olateru Olagbegi, a lawyer, activitist and family woman who has dedicated her life to helping others. (history of the foundation of WOCON). WOCON was established in 1995 to fill the vacuum in the area of implementation and enforcement of women’s rights following the awareness and enlightenment already created by the several NGOs.
Women's Consortium of Nigeria (WOCON) is a member of the coalition for an International Criminal Court (ICC) and a United Nation accredited NGO for the Conference on the establishment of International Criminal Court (ICC) and follow up action in Rome, June 1998. At the International level WOCON is a member of End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking in Children for sexual purposes (ECPAT), Focal Point for Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women (GAATW).
On the Regional level, WOCON is a Network member of Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF) - a network of NGOs and individuals committed to the promotion of women's right with its headquarters in Harare.
Nationally WOCON is a member of the Transition Monitoring Group (TMG) a coalition of NGOs in Nigeria focusing on elections observation, monitoring the electoral process and civic education for sustainable Democracy in Nigeria.
WOCON is also the coordinating member of the National Coalition Against Trafficking in persons (NACATIP).
WOCON has been engage in various activities for the enforcement of rights of women and children particularly in Girl-child and for the entrenchment of sustainable democratic system and good governance in Nigeria. The activities include:
- The Pioneer launching of the Campaign Against Trafficking in women at the Lagos City Hall on the 8th March ,1997.
- Collaboration with other NGOs on 16 days Activism on Violence Against Women- 25th Nov-10th Dec 1997 and 25th Nov-10th Dec, 1998 in Lagos
- Training of observers for the monitoring of Nigerian elections in 1998-99
- Observation of the National Elections from Dec1998-27th Feb 1999 in Ogun and Ondo States.
- Organization of Voter Education campaigns in Ogun and Ondo States in Jan-Feb. 1999 involving Media Campaign, Market and Motor Park Outreaches, Mini workshops and production of enlightment Posters, Stickers, and Radio jingles supported by DFID (UK).
- Organization of Town Hall meetings on civic Education and Good Governance in four(4) Zones of Ogun state from Aug17-31st, 1999 supported by United States Information Services (USIS).
- Organization of a workshop on Civic Education for Women at Lagos City Hall on 7th September 1999.
- Organization of a National Workshop on Trafficking in Women in Nigeria-The Modern Slavery on Dec 2,1999 as part of 16 Days Activism on Gender Violence.
- Conduct of an information gathering and study of stakeholders in trafficking in women in partnership with the Advocacy Project.
- Produced and disseminated to over 6000 recipients with the collaboration of the Advocacy Project E-mail series "ON THE RECORD" titled "Girls for Sale- The Scandal of Trafficking from Nigeria" - June 2000.
- Organization of a Press Conference on Trafficking in women in collaboration with Advocacy Project (A US based Organization) on the 11th 2000. Supported by Public Affairs Department United States Embassy.
- Workshop on Reproductive Health and Gender Violence funded by the Pacific Institute for Women's Health International Health and Development Associates, July 2000. Conduct of Research on Trafficking in Women Commissioned by the Netherlands Embassy - June-Oct 2000.
- UN General Assembly on Women-Beijing+5 in New York - Aug 2000.
- NGO/UN Department of Public Information meeting New York - Aug 2000.
- Seminar on Fight Against Child Trafficking, Lome, 15-17, May 2000.
- Our Executive Director Bisi Olateru-Olagbegi represented by WiLDAF, and was part of the Human Rights lobby group at the negotiations for the Protocol on Trafficking in Human Beings especially women and children in Vienna Oct 2000.
- WOCON is appointed focal point for the production of the African Regional Handbook on Human Rights Practices and Trafficking in Persons.
- ECPAT African meeting on child prostitution and sexual exploitation - Nov 2000
- GAATW African Consultation meeting on Regional Handbook on Human Rights and Trafficking in Women and Children -Dec 2000
- WOCON is also the National coordinating headquarters for the Nigerian National Coalition Against Trafficking in Persons (NACATIP).
- Nigeria focal point for the Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women (GAATW).
- Workshops on "Mobilizing Quality and Gender Participation in Electoral Process and Governance in Ogun State, Sept - Dec 2001 supported by Transition Monitoring Group/United Nations Electoral Assistance Division Nigeria Project.
- Withdrawal of Child Domestic Servants and Child Prostitutes for integration in Lagos from Aug-July supported by International Labour Organization (ILO) / International Programme on Elimination of Child Abuse (IPEC) from Aug 2001-Jan 2003.
- Training of Trainers on trafficking in women and Children applying human rights standard supported by Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women (GAATW) June 2002.
- Training of trainers foe observation of Voters Registration exercise on behalf of Transition Monitoring Group (TMG). and supported by the OSIWA and DFID (UK) June 2002.
- Conducted Voter/Civic Education workshop to educate women and youths in Ogun State in March 2003 supported by DFID (UK) & European Union managed by UNDP and Transition Monitoring Group.
- Training of Observers to monitor the General Elections in 2003.
- Deployed 280 Monitors to observe the National elections in Ogun and Ondo states of Nigeria , April 2003.
- Deployed 196 Observers to monitor the Local Governments elections in Ogun and Ondo States of Nigeria on March 27, 2004.